Keep Kids Free - Art Workshop for Youth

Have you or someone you care about been involved in or impacted by the juvenile justice or adult criminal justice system?

Campaign for Youth Justice, the Carolina Youth Action Project and artist activist Kate DeCiccio are hosting a day of media and arts training that will show young people who have been impacted by the adult or juvenile justice system how to use public art as a powerful tool to communicate with power holders and fight for justice. 

We're calling on people under the age of 26 who want to be a voice for youth justice in South Carolina and help guide the state of South Carolina in becoming more just, safe and supportive to all young people. Come find out how you can use your voice to fight power and be the next youth justice leader in our state.

The training will be Saturday, September 9th from 10am to 3pm at the TIA Banquet Hall on Reyonds Ave. We will be providing a paid stipend to participants.
